Last revision dated 04/20/16
NAME: Shall be the Simsbury Farms Women’s Golf Association
PURPOSE: To provide golf and social programs for the members
MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY: Any woman, eighteen (18) years of age or older, who makes written application in the prescribed form and satisfies the payment of specified annual dues will be considered for membership. The determining consideration for membership shall be whether the specific league (9-hole or 18-hole) is deemed to be Open or Full by the Membership Committee. Renewing members who were members of the Association in the previous year, and were not subject to expulsion, will automatically be considered members, without regard to league status upon submission of the written application and payment of annual dues.
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Executive Board and the Tournament Chair of the respective league, 9-hole or 18-hole. The Membership Committee will determine if the league is Open or Full. The Committee may consider, but is not limited to the following in making its determination: the number of renewing members, the average weekly participation by league members in the previous year, the number of league tee times available, the number of requests for GHIN membership only (non-playing member), etc. Note that residency of the applicant shall only be a factor of consideration where the league is determined to be Full or nearly full. Simsbury residents applying for new membership will be given priority consideration over other new membership applicants.
ADMISSION: Eligible persons will be admitted upon written application in such form as prescribed by the Executive Board and deposit of annual dues.
FEES: Shall consist of non-refundable dues, and if necessary, such assessments as are necessary to pay for the programs duly adopted by the Executive Board at the beginning of each golf season. No woman shall be permitted to participate in the weekly tournaments until such dues are submitted and received by the Treasurer.
EXPULSION: A member may be expelled after notice and hearing by majority vote of the Executive Board for conduct which, in its opinion, endangers the welfare, interests or character of the Association.
PARTICIPATION: Payment of dues entitles resident members to participate in the 9-hole or the 18-hole group. Refer to local tournament rules for specific eligibilities.
EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who each has been a member in good standing for a minimum of three (3) years. While efforts should be made to balance the participation between the 9-hole and 18-hole league members, it is understood that this may not always be possible. Their duties shall be to adopt policy for the management of the Association and to take all disciplinary action. The President and Treasurer shall be authorized to sign drafts of the Association. Their signatures shall be on file in the bank where the Association funds are deposited.
OFFICERS: Shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
TERMS: The President and Vice President shall serve a two (2) year term of office. While it is desirable for the Secretary and Treasurer to similarly serve a two year term of office, in the absence of members who are willing to volunteer and serve in these roles, their respective terms may be extended with the concurrence of the membership.
DUTIES: The President shall preside at all meetings and subject to the Executive Board, manage the affairs of the Association. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The Vice President shall assist the President and in her absence, assume the duties of the President. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Association and of the Board. She shall conduct all correspondence of the Association. The Treasurer shall collect all fees, pay all obligations authorized by the President, keep an accurate record of all financial transactions of the Association and make such reports at such times as are required by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall maintain a roster of the members.
ELECTIONS: The Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee prior to the annual fall meeting. This committee shall consist of a Chairwoman who shall be the Immediate Past President and four members (two 9-hole members and two 18-hole members). The committee is encouraged to nominate the president elect from the 9 and 18 hole leagues alternately. In the event of an incomplete nominating slate, the Executive Board shall be responsible for filling the vacancy(s). The Immediate Past President shall be the President from the previous term.
The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers and chairwomen of standing committees to be communicated to the membership at least 21 days prior to the annual fall meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the election, provided the consent of each candidate has been obtained before her name is brought forth.
The Treasurer shall propose an Annual Budget using the following structure:
MEETINGS: There shall be two regularly scheduled meetings; one in the spring and one in the fall. There will be an annual banquet at the end of the golf season. At such time the Annual Awards will be given, the Treasurer’s report will be given, election of officers will take place and any other business will be conducted. Other meetings shall be called by the President when required by notice to the membership ten (10) days prior to the meeting. Quorum for the holding of a meeting shall consist of at least one third of the membership present.
COMMITTEES: The standing committees of the Association may include but are not limited to Tournament, Handicap, Hospitality, Rules, Publicity, and SNEWGA. The chairwomen of these committees shall serve a two-year term and shall select her committee members.
NOTICE: Notice for membership meetings or hearings shall be communicated at least ten (10) days prior to the appointed date and contain the hour, date and place of meeting. Parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority unless otherwise specified in this Constitution, Bylaws and Governing Rules.
AMENDMENTS: The Constitution and By Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership voting at a regular or special meeting providing a quorum is met. Proposed changes shall be communicated to the membership thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. Email voting will be accepted in the event that a member cannot be present but must adhere to the guidelines and timeframes stipulated by the Executive Board.
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